For the industry, PT Prima Indonusa Teknik support and services include:
Gamma Ray Radiography - Ir. 192, 30 Curies - 88 Curies
Direction X-Ray - 250KV - 300KV
Ultrasonic Testing - ASNT / PCN
Thickness Gauging
Magnetic Particle Testing - ASNT / PCN
Dye Penetrant Testing - ASNT / PCN
Hardness Testing
Hydrostatic Testing
Positive Material Testing
Rope Access
Welding Inspection
QA / QC Inspector Supply
Pipe Mill Inspection
Technical Control Services
Loading Unloading Quality Inspection of Pipes, Valve, Fittings, etc
The man power supply have been proven by the successful completion of the following supplying for both offshore & onshore projects :
Engineers (All Discipline)
QA/QC Inspector
NDT Technician
Welder (All Spesification)
Radiation Safety Officer